Ez a hirdetés több mint 3 hónapja frissült utoljára. Lehet, hogy már nem aktuális információkat tartalmaz.

Development Instructor

Budapest I. kerület
8 éve, 10 hónapja
  • Hirdetés ID: MAXAPRÓ-2418025
  • Kategória: Állás, Munka
  • Alkategória: Diákmunka
  • Pozíció típusa: Főállás
One World Center is providing both - training and jobs in development. We are training development instructors that are able to work at the projects in Africa, India and anywhere in the world with issues of education, health care, HIV prevention, community development, etc.
At One World Centre we believe that poverty is the biggest social problem of our time and that by joining together we can make the world a better place for all. In this respect, we have created programs where you can be part of taking action to end poverty for over half of humanity.
At one of our three locations in Denmark and Norway you can sign up for our work-study programs to become a development instructor or teacher-in-training where you will learn how to help those in need and  end poverty.  You will get to know about The Poor in third world countries and you will make a positive impact in this world.   
The training program is untraditional, practical and beneficial thus offers solutions to many of the problems we are facing today. Furthermore the teaching and learning takes place through learning by doing, experiences and teamwork.
Tasks and responsibilities:
First step is to join our development instructor program and fulfill all the studies, earn experience and practice as a part of the program. First period of 6 to 12 months in Denmark or Norway, then 6 to 8 month work at development projects in Africa or India. And finally sharing your experience with the youth in Europe. After the graduation we have many positions for you to work independently and to serve for the greater good.
At the moment we can accept students from all over EU countries, Argentina, Chile, Japan, South Korea, Australia, Canada, New Zealand.
Main requirements - English proficiency, strong motivation to learn, to improve and devote yourself for a cause.
No special experience is needed, just the desire to help.
9, 18 or 24 month training and later depending on the job position.
Gross salary:
During the training you are getting a volunteer salary and later on depending on position that you take.
Application procedure:
Apply by filling out our Application form or send your questions to admission@oneworldcenter.eu and our admission managers will get in touch with you.
Contact info:
Write to:
http://www.oneworldcenter.dk/ or http://www.drh-norway.org/

Kapcsolat a hirdetővel
  • Anita

  • 00 371-mutasd
Mondd meg a hirdetőnek, hogy a Maxaprón találtad a hirdetést.

Budapest I. kerület

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Kapcsolat a hirdetővel
  • Anita

  • 00 371-mutasd
Mondd meg a hirdetőnek, hogy a Maxaprón találtad a hirdetést.
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Budapest I. kerület