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Urgently Looking for Engineers

Babarcszőlős Urgently Looking for Engineers
10 éve, 6 hónapja
  • Hirdetés ID: MAXAPRÓ-1115456
  • Kategória: Állás, Munka
  • Alkategória: Mérnöki munka, Építészet
Corporate Engineering ltd is currently having a very big construction project and, we are urgently needing the services of qualified and dedicated Engineers to work with us. We need the following domains.

Mechanical Engineers

Structural Engineers

Electrical Engineers

Procurement Engineers

Civil Engineers

Process Engineers

Architectural Engineers

Chemical engineers

Systems engineers

Computer software engineers

Computer hardware engineers

Agricultural engineers

Mineral engineers.

Building services engineers

Communications engineers

Control and instrumentation engineers

Petroleum engineers

Structural engineer

Truck Drivers

Accounting technicians


Advertising copywriter

Designer, fashion/clothing -
So you can just drop your resume and we can see what to do for you. 

Kapcsolat a hirdetővel
  • Corporate Engineering
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Urgently Looking for Engineers

Kapcsolat a hirdetővel
  • Corporate Engineering
Mondd meg a hirdetőnek, hogy a Maxaprón találtad a hirdetést.
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Urgently Looking for Engineers