International Research Company 4Service (LLC "Forservice") is looking for Mystery Shoppers - people that evaluate service quality in banks, restaurants, shops, gas stations, etc., as ordinary clients. Your task is to provide an objective assessment of the quality of service, timely reporting through our web-based system and to receive payment for your job.
We pay for each evaluation according to a fixed fee shown in the project description before You are assigned any visits. The typical range of payment is between €10 and €20, though some assignments pay as much as €100. The payment is done via bank transfer or e-money payment systems. Mystery Shoppers work part-time on a flexible schedule. You’ll be able to choose assignments that most suit You in terms of time and location, and earn some extra income as well as help various companies improve service quality. Requirements: Between 18 and 65 years old; Good computer skills and stable Internet access Honesty Responsible and disciplined person that can be relied upon A good eye for detail, to be able to notice important service facts A good memory, to be able to remember important service facts Role-playing ability flexibility, to play any evaluation scenario in a natural and easy way, just as a real customer would do English proficiency will improve Your chances to get the best assignments A good Mystery Shopper should take to heart the Mystery Shopping industry mission – help service companies improve the service quality they deliver to their customers To get started, go to to learn more and register as a Mystery Shopper. Should You have any questions, please send an enquiry to Anastasia (
ABOUT US: 4Service™, established in 2001, is one the most dynamic and innovative mystery shopping agencies in Europe. As of 2012, we operate through our own mystery shopper network of 120.000 mystery shoppers in the 40 countries of Central and Eastern Europe, Balkans, Transcaucasia, Central Asia and Turkey. To learn more, please visit
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